平成22年度    平成24年度    平成25年度


No.23-72 軟体動物、棘皮動物の比較発生生物学
   代表研究者: 筑波大学生命環境科学研究科 教授 和田 洋

  1. Yoshihisa Kurita and Hiroshi Wada
    Evidence that gastropod torsion is driven by asymmetric cell proliferation activated by TGF-β signaling. Biology Letters, 7: 759-762 (2011)

  2. Atsushi Ito, Masakazu N. Aoki, Kensuke Yahata and Hiroshi Wada
    Complicated evolution of the Caprellid (Crustacea: Malacostraca: Peracarida: Amphipoda) bodyplan, reacquisition or multiple losses of the thoracic limbs and pleons. Development, Genes and Evolution, 221: 133-140 (2011)

  3. Atsushi Ito, Masakazu N. Aoki, Kensuke Yahata and Hiroshi Wada
    The embryonic development and expression analysis of Distal-less in Caprella scaura (Crustacea, Amphipoda, Caprellidea). Biological Bulletin, 221: 206-214 (2011)

  4. Naoki Hashimoto, Yoshihisa Kurita and Hiroshi Wada
    Developmental role of dpp in the gastropod shell plate and co-option of the dpp signaling pathway in the evolution of the operculum. Developmental Biology in press (2012)


No.23-77 軟体動物のゲノム生物学
   代表研究者: 東京大学大学院理学系研究科 教授 遠藤一佳

  1. T. Takeuchi, T. Kawashima, R. Koyanagi, F. Gyoja, M. Tanaka, T. Ikuta, E. Shoguchi, M. Fujiwara, C. Shinzato, K. Hisata, M. Fujie, T. Usami, K. Nagai, K. Maeyama, K. Okamoto, H. Aoki, T. Ishikawa, T. Masaoka, A. Fujiwara, K. Endo, H. Endo, H. Nagasawa, S. Kinoshita, S. Asakawa, S. Watabe and N. Satoh (2012) Draft Genome of the Pearl Oyster Pinctada fucata: A Platform for Understanding Bivalve Biology. DNA Research doi: 10.1093/dnares/dss005 First published online: February 6, 2012


No.23-78 群体ボヤ中に含まれる機能性カロテノイドの探索
   代表研究者: 北海道大学大学院水産科学研究院 准教授 細川雅史

  1. M.J. Yim, M. Hosokawa, Y. Mizushina, H. Yoshida, Y. Saito, K. Miyashita. Suppressive effects of amarouciaxanthin A on 3T3-L1 adipocyte differentiation through down-regulation of PPARγ and C/EBPα mRNA expression. J. Agric. Food Chem., 59, 1646-1652 (2011).


No.23-83 沿岸生態系に対する海洋酸性化の影響評価
   代表研究者: 気象研究所 地球化学部研究部 部長 緑川 貴

  1. Takeo Hama, Shoko Kawashima, Koichi Shimotori, Yuhi Satoh, Yuko Omori, Shigeki Wada, Taiki Adachi, Shun Hasegawa, Takashi Midorikawa, Masao Ishii, Shu Saito, Daisuke Sasano, Hiroko Endo, Tsuyoshi Nakayama, Isao Inouye: Effect of ocean acidification on coastal phytoplankton composition and accompanying organic nitrogen production, Journal of Oceanography, Volume 68, Number 1, 183-194, 2011


No.23-94 ウズラ精子貯蔵管における精子の運動制御機構
   代表研究者: 静岡大学農学部 准教授 笹浪知宏

  1. T. Ito, N. Yoshizaki, T. Tokumoto, H. Ono, T. Yoshimura, A. Tsukada, N. Kansaku, T. Sasanami, Progesterone is a sperm-releasing factor from the sperm-storage tubules in birds. Endocrinology, 152 (10): 3952-3962 (2011)

  2. T. Sasanami, N. Yoshizaki, H. Dohra, H. Kubo, Sperm acrosin is responsible for the sperm binding to the egg envelope during fertilization in Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica). Reproduction, 142 (2): 267-276 (2011)


No.23-97 淡水産/海産の無脊椎動物の新規接着タンパク質の検索と生理機能
   代表研究者:信州大学繊維学部高分子工業研究施設 准教授 大川浩作

  1. Kousaku Ohkawa, Yumi Miura, Takaomi Nomura, Ryoichi Arai, Masuhiro Tsukada and Kimio Hirabayashi (2013). Long-range periodic sequence of Stenopsyche marmorata cement/silk protein: Purification and biochemical characterization. Biofouling, 29(4), 357-367.  5YIF = 4.488 (JCR2011): Rank 2/97 = top 2.06% in Categ., Marine & Freshwater Biol.; 23/158 = top 14.6% in Categ., Biotechnol. Appl. Microbiol.) DOI = 10.1080/08927014.2013.774376

  2. Kesavan Devarayan, Taketoshi Hayashi, Masakazu Hachisu, Jun Araki and Kousaku Ohkawa (2013). Correlations between steric/thermochemical parameters and O-/N-acylation of cellulose: Part III of Synthesis of peptide-cellulose conjugate mediated by a soluble cellulose derivative having beta-Ala esters. Carbohydrate Polymers, 94(1), 468-478. 5YIF = 3.987 (JCR2011): Rank 4/71 (5.63%) in Categ., Chem., Appl.; 12/56 (21.4%) in Categ., Chem., Org.; 12/79 (15.2%) in Categ., Polym. Sci.

  3. Kesavan Devarayan, Masahiro Miyamoto, Masakazu Hachisu, Jun Araki and Kousaku Ohkawa (2013). Cationic derivative of electrospun non-woven cellulose-chitosan composite fabrics for immobilization of aminoacylase-I. Textile Research Journal, accepted for publication on Jan 7, 2013, in press. 5YIF = 1.356 (JCR2011): Rank, 3/21 (14.3%) in Categ., Mater. Sci., Tex. DOI = 10.1177/0040517513478457

  4. Kesavan Devarayan, Hirokatsu Hanaoka, Masakazu Hachisu, Jun Araki, Masakatsu Ohguchi, Behera Kumer Bijoya and Kousaku Ohkawa (2013). Direct electrospinning of cellulose-chitosan composite nanofiber. Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, accepted for publication on Dec 14, 2012, in press. 5YIF = 2.222 (JCR2011): Rank, 23/78 (29.5%) in Categ., Polym. Sci. DOI = 10.1002/mame.201200337

  5. Kesavan Devarayan, Masakazu Hachisu, Jun Araki and Kousaku Ohkawa (2013). Synthesis of peptide-cellulose conjugate mediated by a soluble cellulose derivative having beta-Ala esters (II): Conjugates with O-phospho-L-serine-containing peptides. Cellulose 20(1), 365-378. 5YIF = 3.685 (JCR2011): Rank, 1/21 (4.76%) on Categ., Mater. Sci., Paper & Wood; 1/21 (4.76%) on Categ., Mater. Sci., Textile; 13/79 (16.5%) on Categ., Polym. Sci.

  6. Kousaku Ohkawa, Mikiko Mishibayashi, Kesavan Devarayan, Masakazu Hachisu and Jun Araki (2013). Synthesis of peptide-cellulose conjugate mediated by a soluble cellulose derivative having beta-Ala esters. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 53, 150-159. Five-year Impact Factor (5YIF) = 2.661 (JCR2011): Rank, 175/290 (top, 60.3%) on Categ., Biochem. Mol. Biol.

  7. Kousaku Ohkawa, Mikiko Mishibayashi, Kesavan Devarayan, Masakazu Hachisu and Jun Araki (2013). Synthesis of peptide-cellulose conjugate mediated by a soluble cellulose derivative having beta-Ala esters. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 53, 150-159. Five-year Impact Factor (5YIF) = 2.661 (JCR2011): Rank, 175/290 (top, 60.3%) on Categ., Biochem. Mol. Biol.

  8. Viswanathamurthi Periasamy, Kesavan Devarayan, Masakazu Hachisu, Jun Araki and Kousaku Ohkawa (2012). Chemical modifications of electtrospun non-woven hydroxypropyl cellulose fabrics for immobilization of aminoacylase-I. Journal of Fiber Bioengineering and Informatics 5(2), 191?205.

  9. Kousaku Ohkawa, Takaomi Nomura, Ryoichi Arai, Masuhiro Tsukada and Kimio Hirabayashi (2013). Characterization of underwater silk proteins from caddisfly larva, Stenopsyche marmorata. in Biotechnology of Silk (Eds. Tetsuo Asakura and Thomas Miller): Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, Chapter 6, in press.

  10. 大川浩作 (2013). エレクトロスピニング法による天然高分子ナノファイバー創出と応用について, 繊維学会誌 69(5), 9-14.

  11. 大川 浩作, 山本浩之, バイオ接着剤(宮入裕夫 監修 "接着・解体技術総覧—資源・環境・エネルギー" 第6章 6-4節), NGTコーポレーション, 東京, pp. 316-323 (2011).

  12. 大川 浩作, エレクトロスピニング法によるセルロースナノ繊維作成技術, "セルロースナノファイバーの樹脂への分散技術と応用事例", 第6節, 印刷中, 技術情報協会 (2012).


No.支援-2 ウニ類と海中林の分布と生物生産に関する生態学的研究
   代表研究者:東北大学大学院農学研究科 教授 吾妻行雄

  1. Ogasawara M, T. Matsui and Y. Agatsuma, Growth and rapid gonad recovery of the sea urchin Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus after spawning in an Undaria pinnatifida and Saccharina japonica kelp bed. J. Shellfish Res. 30,159-166 (2011)

  2. Li J-Y, H. Endo, Y. Agatsuma and K. Taniguchi, Inhibition of larval survival and metamorphosis of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus intermedius by 2,4-dibromophenol and 2,4,6-tribromophenol. Aquaculture Sci. 59, 247-253 (2011).

  3. 吾妻行雄, 海藻群落におけるウニ類の個体群動態に関する生態学的研究, 日水誌, 77, 352-355 (2011)


↑ページトップへ戻る           > ~No.23-19   >~ No.23-34   >~No.23-68