平成22年度    平成24年度    平成25年度


No.23-04  ニッポンウミシダのレクチングライコミクス研究
   代表研究者:横浜市立大学大学院生命ナノシステム科学研究科 教授 大関泰裕

  1. Fujii Y., Sugawara S., Araki D., Kawano T., Tatsuta T., Takahashi K., Kawsar SMA., Matsumoto R., Kanaly R., Yasumitsu H., Ozeki Y., Hosono M., Miyagi T., Hakomori S., Takayanagi M., Nitta K.
    MRP1 expressed on Burkitt's lymphoma cells was depleted by catfish egg lectin through Gb3-glycosphingolipid and enhanced cytotoxic effect of drugs. Protein J. DOI 10.1007/s10930-011-9369-2

  2. Yasumitsu H., Mochida K., Yasuda C., Isobe M., Kawsar SMA., Fujii Y., Matsumoto R., Kanaly RA., Ozeki Y. Antiproliferative effects of galectin-1 from Rana catesbeiana eggs on human leukemia cells and Its binding proteins in human cells. In Vitro Cell. Develop. Biol. Animal DOI: 10.1007/s11626-011-9462-z

  3. Fujii Y., Matsumoto R., Kawsar S.M.A., Yasumitsu H., Ishizuka N., Dogasaki C., Hosono M., Nitta K., Hamako J., Matsui T., Ozeki Y. A D-galactoside-binding lectin purified from coronate moon turban, Turbo (Lunella) coreensis with a unique amino acid sequence and the ability to recognize lacto-series glycosphingolipids. Comp Biochem. Physiol. B Mol. Biol. 158: 30-37 (2011)

  4. Kawsar S.M.A., Matsumoto R., Fujii Y., Matsuoka H., Masuda N., Iwahara C., Yasumitsu H., Kanaly R.A., Sugawara S., Hosono M., Nitta K., Ishizaki N., Dogasaki C., Hamako J., Matsui T., Ozeki Y. Cytotoxicity and glycanbinding profile of a D-galactose-binding lectin from the eggs of a Japanese sea hare (Aplysia kurodai). Protein J. 30: 509-519 (2011)

  5. Matsumoto R., Shibata F.T., Kohtsuka H., Sekifuji M., Sugii N., Nakajima H., Kojima N., Fujii Y., Kawsar S.M.A., Yasumitsu H., Ozeki Y. Glycomics of a novel type-2 N-acetyllactosamine-specific lectin purified from the feather star (Oxycomantus japonicus) (Pelmatozoa; Crinoidea). Comp. Biochem. Physiol. B Mol. Biol. 158: 266-273 (2011)


No.23-07 棘皮動物の生殖•再生メカニズム
   代表研究者:Brown University  Postdoctoral Research Fellow 矢島麻美子

  1. Yajima, M. Wessel, G.M. (2011a) The DEAD-box RNA helicase Vasa functions in embryonic mitotic progression in the sea urchin. Development 138: 2217-2222.

  2. Yajima, M. Wessel, G.M. (2011b) Small micromeres contribute to the germline in the sea urchin. Development 138:237-243.

  3. Yajima M. , Wessel G.M. (2011c) The multiple hats of Vasa: Its functions in the germline and in cell cycle progression. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 78: 861– 867.


No.23-11 ドジョウの二倍性精子の機能に関する研究
代表研究者:北海道大学大学院水産科学研究院 教授 荒井克俊


No.23-12 海産動物に寄生する甲殻類の生物多様性と種生物学
代表研究者: 琉球大学理学部 教授 広瀬裕一

    Mother–young cohabitation in Phronimella elongata and Phronima spp. (Amphipoda, Hyperiidea, Phronimidae)  Journal of Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom

  2. Ota Y, Hoshino O, Hirose M, Tanaka K, Hirose E
    Third-stage larva shifts host fish from teleost to elasmobranch in the temporary parasitic isopod, Gnathia trimaculata (Crustacea; Gnathiidae).  Marine Biology 159: 2333-2347 doi 10.1007/s00227-012-2018-2

  3. Uyeno, Daisuke, Kazuya Nagasawa, Ttetaloia hoshinoi, a new genus and species of chondracanthid copepod (Poecilostomatoida) parasitic on tripplefins (Actinopterygii: Tripterygiidae) from Japanese waters. Zoosymposia, Magnolia Press, vol.8: 39-48 (Dec. 2012).


No.23-13 成長因子シグナル伝達の調節における細胞外スルファターゼの機能に関する研究
   代表研究者: 広島大学大学院理学研究科 教授 山本 卓

  1. Sakuma T, Ohnishi K, Fujita K, Ochiai H, Sakamoto N and Yamamoto T.HpSumf1 is involved in the activation of sulfatases responsible for regulation of skeletogenesis during sea urchin development.Dev Genes Evol, 221: 157-166, 2011


No.23-15 海産無脊椎動物および脊椎動物のカルシトニンの構造及び生理的役割:特に円口類について
   代表研究者: 金沢大学環日本海域環境研究センター臨海実験施設 准教授 鈴木信雄

  1. Suzuki, N., Sekiguchi, T., Satake, H., Katoc, K., Nishiyama, Y., Takahashi, H., Danks, J.A., Martin, T.J., Hattori, A., Nakano, M., Kakikawa, M., Yamada, S., Ogoshi, M., Hyodo, S., Yamaguchi, Y., Chowdhury, V.S., Hayakawa, K., Funahashi, H., Sakamoto, T. and Sasayama, Y.: Cloning of two members of the calcitonin-family receptors from stingray, Dasyatis akajei: Possible physiological roles of the calcitonin family in osmoregulation. Gene (in press).


No.23-17 Znヌクレアーゼを利用したカタユウレイボヤの遺伝子ノックアウト技術の開発
   代表研究者: 広島大学大学院理学研究科 教授 山本 卓

  1. Kawai N, Ochiai H, Sakuma T, Yamada L, Sawada H, Yamamoto, T, Sasakura Y. Efficient targeted mutagenesis of the chordate Ciona intestinalis genome with zinc-finger nucleases Dev Growth Differ. In press


No.23-19 ヤリイカの人工授精法の確立
   代表研究者: 東京大学大気海洋研究所 学振特別研究員 岩田容子

  1. Iwata Y, Shaw P, Fujiwara E, Shiba K, Kakiuchi Y, Hirohashi N. Why small males have big sperm: dimorphic squid sperm linked to alternative mating behaviours. BMC Evol Biol. 2011 Aug 10;11:236. doi: 10.1186/1471-2148-11-236.


↑ページトップへ戻る               >~ No.23-34   >~No.23-68   >~No.23-97