平成22年度    平成24年度    平成25年度


No.23-43 ヌタウナギのステロイドホルモン合成経路の解析
   代表研究者: 新潟大学理学部附属臨海実験所 技術職員 下谷豊和

  1. Osugi, T., Uchida, K., Nozaki, M., Tsutsui, K.: Characterization of novel RFamide peptides in the central nervous system of the brown hagfish: isolation, localization, and functional analysis. Endocrinology, 152:4252-4264 (2011).


No.23-47 カタユウレイボヤ精子活性化・誘引物質SAAF受容機構解明
   代表研究者: 桐蔭横浜大学先端医用工学センター 専任講師 吉田 薫

  1. Yoshida M., and Yoshida, K.  Sperm chemotaxis and regulation of flagellar movement by Ca2+ 
Molecular Human Reproduction 17, 457-465 (2011).


No.23-54 機械刺激により誘起されるウニ精子鞭毛反応のカルシウムによる制御
   代表研究者: 東京大学大学院理学系研究科生物科学専攻 准教授 真行寺千佳子

  1. Yuka Kambara, Kogiku Shiba, Manabu Yoshida, Chihiro Sato, Ken Kitajima and Chikako Shingyoji
    Mechanism regulating Ca2+-dependent mechanosensory behaviour in sea urchin spermatozoa. Cell Structure and Function, 36: 69-82. (2011).


No.23-63 脊椎動物ステロイドホルモン系の機能の起源と分化を探る
   代表研究者: 岡山大学理学部附属臨海実験所 所長/教授 坂本竜哉

  1. Suzuki N, Sekiguchi T, Satake H, Kato K, Nishiyama Y, Takahashi H, Danks JA, Martin TJ, Hattori A, Nakano M, Kakikawa M, Yamada S, Ogoshi M, Hyodo S, Yamaguchi Y, Chowdhury VS, Hayakawa K, Funahashi H, Sakamoto T, and Sasayama Y. Cloning of two members of the calcitonin-family receptors from stingray, Dasyatis akajei: Possible physiological roles of the calcitonin family in osmoregulation. Gene 499: 326-331, 2012.

  2. Sakamoto H, Takahashi H, Matsuda K, Nishi M, Takanami K, Ogoshi M, Sakamoto T, and Kawata M. Rapid signaling of steroid hormones in the vertebrate nervous system. Front Biosci 17: 996-1019, 2012.

  3. Abe T, and Sakamoto T. Embryonic development and larval behavior of the kissing loach (Parabotia curta): adaptations to an ephemeral, hypoxic environment. Ichthyol Res 58: 238-244, 2011.

  4. Sakamoto T, Mori C, Minami S, Takahashi H, Abe T, Ojima D, Ogoshi M, and Sakamoto H. Corticosteroids stimulate the amphibious behavior in mudskipper: Potential role of mineralocorticoid receptors in teleost fish. Physiol Behav 2011.

  5. Tachibana T, Moriyama S, Takahashi A, Tsukada A, Oda A, Takeuchi S, and Sakamoto T. Isolation and characterisation of prolactin-releasing peptide in chicks and its effect on prolactin release and feeding behaviour. J Neuroendocrinol 23: 74-81, 2011.

  6. Takagi C, Takahashi H, Kudose H, Kato K, and Sakamoto T. Dual in vitro effects of cortisol on cell turnover in the medaka esophagus via the glucocorticoid receptor. Life Sci 88: 239-245, 2011.


No.23-67 電位依存性ポスファターゼVSPの分子構造から生体機能までの横断的理解
   代表研究者: 大阪大学大学院医学研究科統合生理学 教授 岡村康司

  1. Imai Y, Itsuki K, Okamura Y, Inoue R, Mori MX (2012) A self-limiting regulation of TRPC3/C6/C7 channels coupled with PI(4,5)P2-diacylglycerol signalling. The Journal of Physiology., 590, 1101-1119.

  2. Ratzan WJ, Evsikov AV, Okamura Y, Jaffe LA. (2011) Voltage sensitive phosphoinositide phosphatases of Xenopus: their tissue distribution and voltage dependence. J Cell Physiol., 226(11):2740-6.

  3. Matsuda M, Takeshita K, Kurokawa T, Sakata S, Suzuki M, Yamashita E, Okamura Y, Nakagawa A (2011)Crystal structure of the cytoplasmic PTEN-like region of Ci-VSP provides insight into substrate specificity and redox regulation of the phosphoinositide phosphatase activity.The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 286(26):23368-77.

  4. Sakata S, Hossain MI, Okamura Y (2011) Coupling of the phosphatase activity of Ci-VSP to its voltage sensor activity over the entire range of voltage sensitivity. The Journal of Physiology, 589(11):2687-705.

  5. Okamura Y & Dixon JE (2011) Voltage-sensing phosphatase: its molecular relationship with PTEN. Physiology, 26(1):6-13.

  6. Nishino A, Baba SA & Okamura Y (2011) A Mechanism for Graded Motor Control Encoded in the Channel Properties of the Muscle ACh Receptor. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A., 108(6): 2599-2604.


No.23-68 精嚢分泌タンパク質SEMG受容機構解明
   代表研究者: 桐蔭横浜大学先端医用工学センター 専任講師 吉田 薫

  1. Kawano N., Yoshida K., Miyado K., & *Yoshida M. Lipid Rafts: Keys to Sperm Maturation, Fertilization, and Early Embryogenesis. J. Lipids, Article ID 264706, 10 pages. (2011)




↑ページトップへ戻る             > ~No.23-19   >~ No.23-34   >~No.23-97